Weight Loss Success - Finally!!!
Okay - for anyone whose read further back in my Blog, you know that I have struggled with my weight for the past 5 or 6 years, since I came off stimulant medication and hit mid life at the same time and had a serious weight gain because of those two things. You also know from "My ADHD Journey" post that I have tried everything to lose that weight and have never been able to lose more than about 10 pounds.
Until now. In the past 2 months I have lost 22.5 pounds, 20 inches (including 4 inches off my waist, 4 inches off my hips and 2 inches off each thigh, which is significant as I am pear shape and that's where I most need to lose inches) and have gone from a size 16 to a size 12. I still have about 20 to 24 pounds to lose and want to get to a size 10 (or even size 8 like I was 7 years ago) and I am confident that will happen now as I finally found something that really works!!! So I want to share it with you here in case anyone can benefit from this info.
For 10 years I have been following an online health website (www.mercola.com) by a naturopath doctor named Dr. Joseph Mercola and I receive his newsletter. He researches health information and also has an online health store (he doesn’t manufacture his own products, just researches, endorses and sells other companies products that support his theories for living healthy). His health info has always been spot on and follows my own theories and beliefs about eating healthy and preventing illness.
For years he has been against diet or fat burning supplements – he promotes weight loss through eating whole and natural, eliminating grains and sugars, exercising, getting adequate sleep and reducing stress, and felt that diet supplements or fat burners were ineffective or unhealthy and a waste of money. But about 4 or 5 months ago he stated that he just can’t ignore the research and proof that extracts from brown marine vegetables and pomegranate seed oil really do increase metabolism and burn fat – especially for people whose metabolism has slowed down due to the aging process and need something in addition to healthy diet and exercise. He found that one product, called fucoTHIN, combines these two extracts and has powerful research and proof that it really does increase metabolism, burn fat and promote weight loss -it is thermogenic but non-stimulant so it doesn't cause racing heart or the jitters. Dr. Mercola started selling it on his site for a reasonable cost (it works out to around $35.00 US/month if you order in a 3 pack to save shipping). As I trust his info and have ordered products from him before and they’ve always been top notch, I figured I’d try it and I started taking it July 1st. I continue to be amazed with it as my clothes feel looser every day!
I have also modified my eating habits a lot and follow a modified low carb and low calorie plan – it’s basically lean low carb (lean protein, lots of low starch veggies, a few eggs, very little dairy, no starches like grains, sugars, corn, rice, potatoes etc.) and do a fair amount of walking. But I have done both of those things (with even way more exercising) in the past and never lost weight like this before – so I really think it is primarily the fucoTHIN that is really helping me finally lose weight this time.
So here is the web info and ordering information:
Hopefully this can help others the way it's helped me!
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