Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Long Time No Post!

Well it's been a long, long time since I last posted. I know I said in my initial post that "I may not post often" - but holy cow, I didn't expect there to be a gap of over 7 months between posts!!!

But seriously - a lot has happened in those 7 plus months. I lost my pastor and friend, Dwayne Harms, to cancer - an amazing man two years younger than me who was in great health until a few months before he was diagnosed (see the link to "Dwayne's Journey" in my "Links" section). In addition to coping with that, my church then had to pull together and mount a massive fundraising campaign to continue the dream Dwayne started to purchase the building we'd been renting and I was heavily involved in that for most of the fall. We succeeded with flying colors and were able to purchase the building earlier this year. (yeah!!!)

Then in December, an hour before I wrote my second last (and most difficult) exam for the insurance designation (CIP) I'm working on, I found out that my Grandmother had passed away the night before. I wrote the exam anyways while my brain was in a fog and focused more on getting home and booking a flight to Vancouver to sing at her memorial than on the exam paper in front of me. Amazingly I passed that exam even under those circumstances, the memorial was good and it was great to see all of my family while celebrating the life of a very special and amazing woman.

In January I started my last course (of 10) for that same insurance designation by night classes(I've done every other one by correspondence) and therefore had homework due every week and a mid term exam, so that has consumed my time since then. I write that exam in about a week and a half (April 3) and I am pretty sure I'll pass (I got 84% on the mid term exam). I will be so glad to get it over with, have my designation and be able to stop studying!!! Do normal things like watch TV, go for coffee, read for fun or do nothing at all!!!

One project this blog has inspired me to do is to write a book about my ADHD Journey (see my previous post). My post here is just a small snippet of what life is like with ADHD - I could easily fill a book just with stories from my childhood as my severe ADHD made school and childhood a fun event filled rollercoaster (which my Mom can attest to!). The main purpose of my book though, would be to encourage and inspire other ADHDers and parents of ADHDers as so many people who know me or have heard or read my story seem to be amazed that I live such a relatively normal life given my brain chemistry and they gain hope for themselves or their children. I can also see myself doing presentations (that include singing) to encourage and motivate people and help them with coping skills. So as soon as my exam is over I really want to focus on writing my book and getting it published, as well as fine tune my public speaking and presentation skills by joining Toastmasters. I'll announce on this blog when the book is finished and how people can get copies.

That's life in a nutshell for the past seven months, now I have to get back to studying for this exam so I can get it over with and get on with more fun things!!!



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