The Student is Becoming a Teacher and Singing Alot
Well, I had my official CIP (Chartered Insurance Professional) Convocation (Graduation) Ceremony last week so now I've officially graduated and I have my Diploma!!! It was a fun event - the food was excellent (almost as good as cruise food) and they really made us feel special, like we'd accomplished something (!) So now I have the official framed piece of paper and for me that was one expensive piece of paper both in terms of money and work!
Now I am moving to a new phase - from Student to Teacher. I had always thought it would be good to give back to the industry and help other students, and for many years I proctored CAIB (Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker - the other designation I hold) Exams. About a year and a half ago I mentioned this to a co-worker who was on the board of the Insurance Institute of Saskatchewan (that runs the CIP program) and she said they have enough proctors - what they really need is instructors for the night school courses of the CIP program, would I consider teaching when I got my CIP designation? At the time it sounded like a cool idea, so I said yes - thinking it would be a while after I got my CIP before they asked me. Well - a few weeks ago they asked me, and provided the class I'm now scheduled to teach gets at least 5 students registered by December 15th - I will be teaching in January!!! I am excited and scared all at the same time. I have done alot of training one on one, and done the odd small group presentation, but I have never formally "taught" a class - so it's a great unknown and a learning curve for me. I think I can do it - people who I've trained one on one have said I was a good teacher/trainer - it's just the formal 12 week group setting (including making lesson plans, writing and marking my own quizzes and midterm exam (!)) that scares me. It's a stretch, and being stretched sometimes hurts or is uncomfortable, but it's the only way to grow, so I'll do it!
I am also doing alot of singing - I have been asked to sing in a band that will play at a New Years Eve Gala formal event and it is a great experience. The other singers and musicians are all very talented and fun and I really love the music we will be doing. In addition to that I am singing in an ensemble at church for Christmas - it's a more formal "chior" type of setting and that is fun to be a part of as well.
So between a very busy, high stress job, reading teacher training manuals and reviewing the material I will be teaching, practicing and learning about 17 songs (15 or so for the Gala band and 2 for the ensemble) and all the usual Christmas involvments and activities - it's a more full life than usual. But then I'd be bored with anything less, so I'm not complaining.
I am also endeavoring to read several ADHD books I just picked up in the last month, to continue my research and learning in this area. This is to help myself get a leg up on the problem areas in my life (procrastination, chronic disorganization, inconsitency in focus, compulsive spending and eating, etc.) as well as for the ongoing research for my book. I am so frustrated in these problem areas that I have an appointment with a Psyciatrist in a few weeks - both to work through the issues and to maybe again look at ADHD medications. There are new drugs out since the last time I tried them and had bad side effects (or no effects at all), so maybe something out there would work to keep the dopamine levels in my brain steady without any nasty side effects or other health problems. I'm willing to try that road again.
Anyways, thats life as it stands right now - fun, busy and a roller coaster as always!
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